(De)Allocation of Experiment Machines

This wiki-page lists the policies to allocate and de-allocate machines used for experiments. The basic idea is to have a pool of partially incomplete machines (no memory and disks) and build exactly the configuration needed for the experiment. Then, place the machine in the rack. Note that all machines in the rack are in use and can be removed only by the persons that allocate each of them. The (de)allocate procedure is:

  1. Find a machine that fits your needs.
  2. Install memory, controllers and disk needed for the experiment in the machine. These supplies can be found in the table next to the rack.
  3. Place the machine in a free space in the rack.
  4. Install the OS required for the experiment.
  5. (Optional) In case internet is required, send an email to request@cs asking for network access with the following information:
    1. Current IP address
    2. MAC address
    3. Name of the machine
    4. Operating System installed
    5. Service TAG (also called Serial Number)
    6. FIU Tag
  6. Perform the experimentation required.
  7. Take the machine out of the rack.
  8. Return the memory, controllers and disk back the supplies pool (table next to the rack).

FIXME There are two problems remaining: (1) How to deal with new machines and the warranty. (2) How do we ensure that someone does not use an over-qualified? Someone else could needed in the future. One solution is to allocate the minimun quality devices needed.