====== Hybrid Storage Device (HSD) ====== * {{hsd.ps}}: Document that keeps the updated progress of the project. * [[Plan]]: keeps the plan of the project. ===== Meetings ===== * 01/19/10: Plans for knowledge transfer from Ric {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd011910.mp3|mp3}} * 12/21/09: Btreplay modifications for emulator {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd122109.mp3|mp3}} * 12/03/09: HSD Emulator design discussion {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd120309.mp3|mp3}} * 11/12/09: FIO and BTreplay possibilities for emulator {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd111209.mp3|mp3}} * 11/05/09: Emulator alternative implementations {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd110509.mp3|mp3}} * 10/29/09: Migrator review {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd102909.mp3|mp3}} * 10/22/09: Design discussion for migrator {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd102209.mp3|mp3}} * 10/15/09: Design discussion for indirector {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd101509.mp3|mp3}} * 10/08/09: Detailed design discussion and feedback {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd100809.mp3|mp3}} * 10/01/09: Key differences with Mascots09 paper approach {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd100109.mp3|mp3}} * 09/17/09: Revising design goals, architecture, detailed design, implementation as independent sections {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd091709.mp3|mp3}} * 09/10/09: Reference with bibtex, architecture, design, some implementation issues {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd091009.mp3|mp3}} * 09/03/09: Introduction comments - raising level of abstraction {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd090309.mp3|mp3}} * 08/27/09: Paper content - mainly introduction/background {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd082709.mp3|mp3}} * 08/20/09: Indirection design and paper writing next steps {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd082009.mp3|mp3}} * 08/17/09: Paper next steps, plans for indirection design {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd081709.mp3|mp3}} * 08/06/09: Online reconfiguration, Indirection revisiting needed {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd080609.mp3|mp3}} * 07/30/09: Paper layout discussion {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd073009.mp3|mp3}} * 07/23/09: Initial discussion on Per-Page metrics {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd072309.mp3|mp3}} * 07/16/09: Discussion of "Flashing Up" paper {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd071609.mp3|mp3}} * 07/09/09: Paper plans for Ric {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd070909.mp3|mp3}} * 07/02/09: Formalizing SSD content {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd070209.mp3|mp3}} * 06/25/09: What data to put in SSD? {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd062509.mp3|mp3}} * 06/18/09: New design - initial discussion {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd061809.mp3|mp3}} * 06/09/09: Single-threaded implementation skeleton {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd060909.mp3|mp3}} * 04/06/09: Single-threaded implementation skeleton {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd040609.mp3|mp3}} * 03/30/09: 3 Queue implementation {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd033009.mp3|mp3}} * 03/23/09: SSD+HDD play together - discussion about dispatching algorithm - next step simple dispatching based on current device response time {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd032309.mp3|mp3}} * 03/16/09: Disksim issue fixed - next challenge is to get SSD and HDD to talk {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd031609.mp3|mp3}} * 03/11/09: Debugging DiskSim use - problems with timing {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd031109.mp3|mp3}} * 03/02/09: Interface integration update from Ric and FAST SSD talk {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd030209.mp3|mp3}} * 02/23/09: DiskSim interface and basic design questions for HSD {{{{internal:projects:hsd:hsd022309.mp3|mp3}}