====== Configuring an LDAP Client ====== Our current LDAP server is doomsday.cs.fiu.edu ( ===== Installing the LDAP Client on Ubuntu ===== - Login as root at the local machine. - Install the necessary packages: ''aptitude install ldap-auth-client'' - During the installation of the packages you will be prompt for various information: * LDAP url: ldap:// * Distinguished name of the search base: dc=cs,dc=fiu,dc=edu * LDAP version to use: 3 * Database requires logging in: no * If you want the local root to be the database admin: yes * Root login account: cn=admin,dc=cs,dc=fiu,dc=edu * Root password: mega@svm - Download configuration files {{hosts:ldap-files.tgz|}} and untar it in the / directory: ''cd / && tar xzf ldap-files.tgz'' - Check if it connects to the server, you should see the lab users at the end of the output: ''getent passwd'' - Reboot the machine (not sure why but it's needed). - Login with any user from the LDAP domain. ===== FAQ ===== * What happens with current users? LDAP will only add users to the machine, existing users are preserved, however conflicts may occur if users have the same uids. * What about files? Currently there is no centralized file system, thus /home directories are local.